Methodology Of The Personal Epistemology Study

  • Iryna Sekret
Keywords: Personal epistemology, epistemological beliefs, approaches, qualitative / quantitative instruments


Abstract: During the last decade epistemology and personal epistemological beliefs have gained special focus of researchers concerned with the nature of knowledge and processes of learning. Learners’ epistemological beliefs are proved to be among crucial factors which determine learner’s attitudes to learning as a process of gaining knowledge and skills, their learning styles, and achievements. The aim of the article is to overview main methodological approaches to the personal epistemology study in order to outline instruments appropriate for diagnosing a learner’s epistemological beliefs. The research was conducted with the methods of literature review, and contrastive analysis. Assumptions of the author’s experimental studies of the students’ personal epistemology are provided as well.  The paper presents the results of the research and sheds the light upon the developmental approach and approaches viewing a learner’s personal epistemology as 1) a system of beliefs, 2) a complex of theories, 3) a unity of epistemological resources, and 4) the reflection of social epistemology. On the base of the research conducted it is concluded that elaboration of the integrative approach involving qualitative and quantitative instruments is essential in order to obtain an ample and objective estimation of a learner’s epistemological beliefs. The practical application of the results of the research is in elaboration student-centered systems of learning with reference to their epistemological beliefs conditioned by their cultural and educational background.


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How to Cite
Sekret, I. (2018). Methodology Of The Personal Epistemology Study. International Journal of Pedagogical Advances in Technology-Mediated Education, 1(1), 40-67. Retrieved from