Dear Colleagues,

To your attention is Vol.2, No.2, issued in May 2021. This volume includes six papers from various areas of modern education, enhanced by technologies.

The first paper in the issue is the research “The Asian Student Exchange Program (ASEP) in Taiwan: Observations and Prospects for Further Multinational Collaborations” by Joseph Anthony Narciso Z. Tiangco and Yu-Chiang Wang (Taiwan ) discussing a particular area that is Taiwan's Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) infrastructure and services. Together with that the paper sheds the light on the characteristics and successful practices related to an educational initiative called the Asian Student Exchange Program (ASEP), which arguably adheres to the principles and philosophy of project-based learning.

The next paper presents the study by Peter Williams (UK) on Ethical considerations and dilemmas when undertaking ‘inclusive’ research with vulnerable people. This paper explores the issues inherent in undertaking ‘inclusive’ practice with adults with learning disabilities. It discusses the need for effective information and how this may be mediated via accessible language, the involvement of intermediaries and spoken explanations.

The third paper of the issue is the study by Iryna Sekret (Turkey) “Students’ Evaluation of Teaching: International Practices from the Students’ Perspectives”. The paper reflects a pilot study on the issues of students’ evaluation of teaching (SET) and how it is viewed and conducted in different countries. The study is believed to add to the development of the general paradigm of SET and provide some practical guidelines for the university teachers and administrations about improving the quality of teaching and communication with the students as important stakeholders of higher education. It highlights the importance of implementing specially designed technological tools as means for a better transparency and consistency of SET.

The next paper is the research conducted by Ghader Razmjou (Iran) and it concerns “The effectiveness of online language learning during the Pandemic from the perspective of some Iranian EFL learners”. The study examines the effectiveness of online–English language learning among the Iranian students (Azarbayjan Shahid Madani University in Iran) from a learners' perspective compared with the face-to-face learning environment. The findings of the study represent important observations and data to consider for managing online learning and increasing the students’ satisfaction.

The fifth paper of this issues is the study “Smart Software Technologies and Their Role in Teaching and Learning”  by  Ghenaiet Abir (Algeria).  The study explores research in the field of building intelligent learning systems. It analyses the field studies supporting smart learning systems as highly effective tools for pedagogical development.

The paper finalising the issue is the research conducted by the academic team from Kazakhstan Rinat Zhanbayev, Saule Sagintayeva and Abildina Ainur “Efficiency of Information Technologies in Education and Science Based on Foresight Technologies”. The study discusses opportunities for introducing new approaches based on the foresight technologies as a way support entrepreneurs and production, especially in the initial stages of the project development. It also discusses opportunities for the commercialisation of the research results, enhancing the practicability and applicability of the scientific research.

All papers represent original studies conducted by the authors and are believed to be a good contribution to the development of the correspondent theories and practices at the level of the international academic communication.

The papers are accompanied with the authors’s short bios and contacts, therefore in a case of questions or reflections on the studies represented in the papers the readers can contact the authors directly.

The authors of the papers take full responsibility for the accuracy of the data and statements laid out in the papers.

The total volume of the issue is 68 pages.

To contact the editorial team of IJPATME for publishing papers and collaboration please feel free to contact us at

IJPATME Editorial Board

Published: 2021-05-25