Harassment As a Performance Limitation

Keywords: Harassment, Women, Violence, Street, Limitation


In the present investigation, the theoretical development based on gender violence against women and in sexual harassment towards women, specifically. Harassment in any field: school, work, street,etc., limits performance and can even go so far as to abandon productive activities. An offensive phrase, a leering look or a sexual touching, are everyday experiences when it comes to commuting to school or work in the life of a woman in virtually all sociocultural contexts. Sexual harassment in public places is an invisible component of everyday interactions, which affects the lives of many people, but is rarely talked about. The brevity of its duration, as well as the veiled way in which it is often presented, disguising itself as flattery, whispering in the ear or blending into the crowd, they make it seemingly intangible (Gaytan, 2007).

Author Biographies

Javier Zavala-Rayas, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (UASLP), Mexico

Javier Zavala Rayas, Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (UASLP), Mexico, Master's degree in Social Psychology, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Doctorate in Psychology, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Director of bachelor's and master's thesis, co-author of books and book chapters, author and co-author of articles in indexed journals; member of the editorial committee of indexed and refereed journals, speaker at academic, national and international events, full-time professor at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas ORCID. Current research interests: Social psychology, violence and migration https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2968-9043

Georgina Lozano-Razo

Georgina Lozano Razo, degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Master in Social Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Doctor in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (1992-2005). T.C teacher-researcher at UAZ. He has a PRODEP Profile and belongs to the CA-UAZ-94 "Children, youth and social cognition", with the research line Cognition, behavior and health. Publications in national and international journals. Undergraduate thesis advisor and participant in local, national and international conferences. Coordinator of the Institutional Tutoring Program in the Academic Unit of Psychology, Fresnillo Extension https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6061-7892


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How to Cite
Zavala-Rayas, J., & Lozano-Razo, G. (2023). Harassment As a Performance Limitation. International Journal of Pedagogical Advances in Technology-Mediated Education, 3(7), 09 - 17. Retrieved from http://patme-journal.iatels.com/index.php/patme/article/view/60