Psychological Theories and Concepts Applied on The Practice Of Beggary

  • Ashni Churi Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University
Keywords: Begging, Behavioristic theories, Beggary, Nation development, Indian Context


The practice of beggary is a scenario that prevails in many cities of developing nations. It is a nuisance but also perhaps as a prod to one’s social conscience. In view of the developing call for studies in this context, this study explores the psychological explanations to the practice of begging. In view of its increasing pervasiveness and visible presence on the streets of metropolitan areas, this study also becomes the need of the hour. This study reports on a range of theories that contribute toward the practice, and reinforcement, of begging, specifically with regard to the Indian context. This study aims to explore, and better understand, why people beg and what might maintain their begging. Interview reports, observation, analysis, surveys, and anecdotal material suggest that the beggars prefer to stay in that situation due to many factors. This study recognizes numerous psychological theories that differentiate the act of begging from non-begging. Also, the theories that promote this activity in the non-begging community such as social conformity is explored in this study.

Author Biography

Ashni Churi, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University

I am Ashni Parag Churi, an evidence-based practicing psychologist with a passion for understanding social issues and their impact on individuals and communities, I have a keen interest to explore how we can develop our surroundings for the betterment of society. Through my work and knowledge, I aim to shed light on the factors that contribute to creating healthy and supportive environments for individuals to thrive in through a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates insights from psychology, sociology, urban and rural planning.



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How to Cite
Churi, A. (2023). Psychological Theories and Concepts Applied on The Practice Of Beggary. International Journal of Pedagogical Advances in Technology-Mediated Education, 3(6), 01 - 07. Retrieved from